Take your Cricket Skills to another level!
For Inquiries Contact Us
Email: kcc.kaustcricketclub@gmail.com
Facebook: KaustCricketClub
The purpose of the group is to engage the KAUST Community with Cricket and organize the following activities:
Membership is open to the residents in the KAUST community and to the KAUST employees who do not reside in the KAUST community. The minimum age for membership is 17 years.
The annual membership fee for this club is only 100 SAR /person. All paid members will be allowed to participate for free in any of the Cricket Club-organized events and social events for one complete year (starting from 1st October current year to 30th September next year). Non-members can also participate in club-organized events by paying a fee of 50 SAR/player per event.
The Cricket Club events schedule is available on the Get Active calendar.
KAUST Cricket Club will organize an annual three-month academy to introduce cricket among students of the KAUST School. This annual academy will attract kids between the age of 6 to 16 years old. Trainees will receive a weekly cricket session from the designated community cricket coaches and club members. The kids will be provided the overall understanding of the cricket game and basic training to improve their fielding, batting, and bowling skills. This complementary academy will be open for the whole KAUST community and it will be free of charge.
The kids & beginners session will take place every Wednesday between 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. at Astro-2 (near Raquet club).
KAUST Cricket Club brings to you Juniors Cricket season 2023-24 starting this September 27 for children aged 6 -16 free of cost. Learn more.
For enrolling your children into the Kids Cricket Academy, please contact: kcc.kaustcricketclub@gmail.com | +966565625297
The President and Vice-president will primarily run all the operations of this club. This includes preparing the group activities, organizing cricket tournaments, representing the group within KAUST, arranging Cricket workshops, and working with Community Life to find solutions to improve the Cricket Pitch of KAUST. They must also nominate the “working committee” of the Cricket Club. This working committee contains a minimum of four members of the KAUST Community.
The Treasurer will handle the financial aspect of the Club, which includes all the membership fees and donations. He will also be responsible for processing reimbursements needed to fulfill the needs of the club. That being said, prior to any expense, approval from the Treasurer is required. The Treasurer has the final decision on accepting or rejecting any expense request.
The Web-Manager updates the website content necessary for promoting the club’s events in all the digital channels.
The Protocol-Manager takes care of the health and safety aspects of the club.
Cricket Club will be governed by five office bearers: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Web-Manager, and Protocol-Manager. Those five office bearers must be elected every year (at the end of every September) through the voting of Club paid members. Only club members can participate in the elections for the above-mentioned roles.
Please find the club charter here for more information on how we run the club.
President: Haris Ahmed (haris.ahmed@kaust.edu.sa)
Vice President: Sharad Singh
Treasurer: Kishor Upadhyaya
Secretary General: Muhammad Tehseen
Communications Officer: Jinju Lal (jinjulal@yahoo.co.in)
Coordinator Kids Cricket Academy: Muhammad Asim
Operations Officer: Muhammad Bilal